What’s on at a glance

  • Thursday evening classes at St Stephen’s Church Hall are running as normal. Entrance on side of building. Good parking and large floor. No need to book or bring a partner. £10 flat rate on door for the evening. Beginners 7.30pm, intermediate 8.25pm. Ends 9.30pm. Very friendly classes. You can move round (most people opt to do this) or stay with your partner. Please let Martin, Elaine or Jill know if you would like to be added to our mailing list. Your privacy is important to us and we don’t share any details unless you want to be entered for ISTD exams

  • Social dances at St Stephen’s Church Hall, Park Avenue EN1 2BA.  Dates for your diary: Saturday 11th Jan, Saturday 15th Feb (Valentine dance, wear something red – optional 🙂 and Saturday 8th March 2025. Bring your own drink and food. We rarely cancel events but best confirm they are running before attending.  Entrance around side of hall. Very friendly, everyone welcome. No partner needed. Large floor and free parking next to hall. Phone Elaine to book (07702 437101)/ reserve a table with friends, pay on the door or book on line (click here). 

  • Support for those affected by suicide loss – Please see page on menu above.

  • Next Medal exam day will be in July 2025 – Probably Sunday 20th July but date to be confirmed. Please reserve whole weekend as we will have practice sessions on the Saturday (day before). We will book the whole upstairs of the Kings Head for drinks/meal afterwards from about 6.45pm 🙂

  • Very well done everyone in your Medal Exams on Sunday 17th May 2024 which lasted all afternoon. Excellent results and very welcome drink and meal in the King’s Head afterwards. We had the whole upstairs 🙂 A big thank you to our examiner. A fantastic effort by everyone.

  • New Life Dance are fully up and running classes, sequence dance teaching and social dances. Classes, events or group lessons will be held at either St Stephen’s Church Hall, Park Avenue, Enfield EN1 2BA or the United Reformed Church hall, 77 Compton Road, Winchmore Hill N21 3NU. Please see the bottom of the front page and phone Elaine on 07702 437101 to book. Medallist exam routines (you don’t have to take the exam) have fully resumed as well – these are a great way to improve your technique. We know that some of you are a little rusty after a long run of Coronavirus restrictions which is now fading into the background. Please don’t worry, we will gently ease you back into dancing to build up your confidence.

  • Thursday evenings 7.30pm-9.30pm at St Stephen’s Church Hall are running every week unless you are notified otherwise. Regular classes: 7.30pm beginners, 8.25pm improvers. £10 p.p. for the evening. These are a great way to meet new people and learn to dance well. Booking advised but you can simply turn up at St Stephen’s Church Hall (address above). New people always welcome. No partner needed at any of our classes or events.

  • Friday morning courses restart Friday 17th January 2025 – 10am beginners, 11am Popular Sequence at United Reformed Church (URC) – book through Active Enfield (click here)  You will need to scroll through the various courses to find Ballroom as the search function doesn’t work. Please speak to Martin or Elaine for further updates. We’d love to meet you! Cost averages about £8 per class and courses range from 2 to 5 weeks. We are now covering Sequence dancing in the second class. Also book through box office on 020 8807 6680 or e-mail sport@enfield.gov.uk or via www.activeenfield.uk . Please note: Active Enfield website has now changed to www.activeenfield.uk. Alternatively, you can also phone/ e-mail or visit Millfield/Dugdale/some libraries . If you can only join part way through that is fine. Very relaxed classes.

  • Regular term time Dance classes at St Jude’s School, Englefield Green TW20 0NP have been postponed until further notice. Martin will let you know when they resume.

  • Please Note: Martin has added a new page giving an overview of ISTD Medallist teaching. Because the number of routines have increased, most group slots will be focussed on particular routines and levels. Some Whats App groups have been created to let people know when their dances are being taught. These dance groups are very popular and will mostly take place on Saturdays. Private lessons are also a great way to look good with accurate footwork, posture and direction. Please speak to Martin or Elaine. You need to have attended lessons, classes or private lessons to be entered for exams.

  • Thank you to everyone who supports New Life Dance at Dances, workshops, ISTD medal classes and regular classes. ISTD medal classes/group lessons are usually held on Saturdays at URC church Hall, Winchmore Hill (speak to Martin or Elaine for dates/details). A big thank you to Kate and Ronnie for their amazing live singing spots and all helpers including Jill, Imogen Helen and more. Great to see all the people who regularly come to classes as well as new people, workshops and events.

  • Please see ‘New Life Dance’ and ‘Better Life Dancing’ on Facebook to see previous photographs of previous dances, workshops and classes. This isn’t presently being updated but will give you a good idea what our classes and dances look like. Click on link on the bottom of the home (1st) page.

  • Chasamba classes have been temporarily suspended. These are dance exercise classes using latin and ballroom moves with Elaine. Please speak to us for alternatives as we teach all Ballroom and Latin dances (10 dances) plus Argentine Tango and Salsa basics which are a lot of fun 🙂

  •  Please add our e-mail address: info@newlifedance.co.uk to your computer address book so you can receive all our notifications (otherwise they can go to your junk folder).

    Standing Coronavirus Advice:

    With flu and Covid spreading easily in the population we ask everyone to thoroughly wash their hands before any classes or events. This will help reduce the spread of germs. Dancers should not attend if they develop any cold or flu symptoms. Please be aware a headache and/or temperature/ loss of smell may be sign of developing symptoms of flu or Coronavirus/ COVID-19.

  • Data protection – We value all of our dancers and keep minimal information to periodically send you e-mails to keep you updated with classes and events. Information is stored on a password/ fingerprint/ face ID secured electronic devices or names written on paper lists to gather interest, take payment or complete Council registers. We don’t pass your information to 3rd parties unless it is needed for ISTD exams or you give permission. If you would like a more detailed copy of how we store your data/ security or would like to be removed from our mailing list please contact Martin via info@newlifedance.co.uk and you will be removed immediately. Although, of course, we really hope you want to stay and to enjoy our classes and dances 🙂 From December 2019 we have a new video policy – we are able to individually supply videos of routines for dancers entering Medallist Exams through Martin, which remain the intellectual property of New Life Dance and are not to be shared individually or through social media. For full privacy and video policy please see ‘Privacy Policy’ page/ click here.

  • Last updated 7th January 2025 – various pages updated. If you notice any errors please let us know. Dates for classes, dances, Thurs evenings and exam dates updated. What’s on amended, videoing policy. Privacy policy page updated.  Data protection info included. Thanks  to Luke – The Techfather – as always for great Website Design, advice and making this website secure 🙂